Better Than Escape

Better Than Escape (1993)

15 Jul 1993 • Drama, Romance • 1h 50m

A Yugoslav stage actor marries an American girl in Belgrade and has a child with her, when his career plummets for political reasons, he develops a drinking problem and his wife leaves him and takes their daughter to the U.S.A. The Film won 7 "Crystal Prisms" (Yugoslav Academy Awards) for 1993 and was the absolute box-office champion in Serbia and Montenegro.

Miroslav Lekic
Sinisa Kovacevic, Miroslav Lekic
Zarko Lausevic, Claire Beckman, Aleksandar Bercek

Language: Serbian, English
Awards: 1 win
Country: Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Metacritic Score:
DVD Release Date:
Box Office Total:


IMDb (494 votes)