Double Crosser

Double Crosser (1989)

01 Mar 1991 • Action, Thriller • 1h 25m

So whines the frankly bloody infuriating blind daughter of all out macho man Jake, (played by Peter *God* O'Brian) after a bad guy has just disembowelled the child's cuddly toy for no apparent reason other than to demonstrate just what a rotten so and so he is.Fear not though, for said stuffed cutie is later avenged by our hero in style who also manages to wipe out seemingly half the population of Indonesia along the way to!Yes, any film directed by the mighty Arizal is always well worth a look and Double Crosser, although far from the prolific directors finest work is no exception. It's a joyous cauldron of crappy acting, bad dubbing, cool stunts, ridiculous plot contrivances, big shoot outs, fist fights, martial arts, explosions and curly mullets. What more could you possibly wish for in a film?!Things to watch out for: The aforementioned blind daughter who as another reviewer quite rightly described walks like she has just wandered onto the wrong set from a zombie flick(!), some truly and hilariously daft plot twists such as when our hero is fooled (incredibly easily!) into believing that his best friend and brother in law is playing away with his new woman, a live chicken being fed to a crocodile(!), some priceless side splitting dialogue and best of all the ending in this............ To call it abrupt would be to put it mildly! - Let's just say that you'll likely be rendered utterly speechless in confusion upon viewing it, but such a ridiculous finale only adds to the movies overall charm.Fellow bad movie lovers, grab yourself a copy of this flick; With the partnership of Peter O'Brian and Arizal, you just know it's going to be fun.

Deddy Armand
Peter O'Brian, Priscilla Patsy, Ricky Hosada

Language: Indonesian
Country: Indonesia
Metacritic Score:
DVD Release Date:
Box Office Total:


IMDb (43 votes)