Every Time We Say Goodbye

Every Time We Say Goodbye (1986)

PG-13 14 Nov 1986 • Drama, Romance, War • 1h 38m

An American flyer who joined the RAF before his country was in the war is recovering from a leg injury in Jerusalem. Through an English friend he meets a quiet Jewish girl whose close-knit family originally came from Spain. The two are attracted to each other but she is convinced their diverse backgrounds mean it could never work; not only is he a gentile, his father is a protestant minister. So though they keep running into each other in the small community, they find themselves just as frequently parting again.

Moshé Mizrahi
Moshé Mizrahi, Rahel Fabian, Leah Appet
Tom Hanks, Cristina Marsillach, Benedict Taylor

Language: English, Ladino
Country: Israel, United States
Metacritic Score:
DVD Release Date: 16 May 2006
Box Office Total: $278,623


IMDb (2805 votes)