The Case Is Closed

The Case Is Closed (1982)

Drama • 1h 35m

The servant boy, a minor, engaged in a middle class family dies mysteriously locked in a kitchen. Police inquiries reveal he was sleeping in the kitchen near a burning coal oven to keep himself warm in winder. Post-mortem report confirms death by carbon-monoxide gas poisoning. The happy household is suddenly thrown into a psychological trauma. Torn between a sense of guilt and fear of a police case and consequently scandal, the young employer and his wife expose their petty, hypocritical selves. Fearing accusation from the father of the deceased, they make futile attempts to please him. That nothing happens to them and the father departs quietly, leaves them completely defeated and crushed.

Mrinal Sen
Ramapada Chowdhury, Mrinal Sen
Anjan Dutt, Mamata Shankar, Sreela Majumdar

Language: Bengali
Awards: 3 wins & 2 nominations
Country: India
Metacritic Score:
DVD Release Date:
Box Office Total:


IMDb (221 votes)