Beyond the Door

Beyond the Door (1982)

Drama • 1h 50m

Nina, a young Italian woman who has long emigrated to Morocco, hides a terrible secret: her stepfather, Enrico is in jail on charges of killing her mother who, in reality, committed suicide when she discovered the relationship between man and Nina. But the girl does not speak and keeps her stepfather-lover in a golden cage, bribing a lot of money to turn her prison cell into a palace. She provides money from the benefit of tourists, inspections in places where they dominate the drugs and the perversions of sex. A young American, Matthew, falls in love with her, manages to approach Nina's grandmother and make her meet with the prisoner who, having received pardon, regains freedom. Matthew and Nina go to Italy. Here Enrico follows them and the girl, morbidly attracted to him, leaves Matthew and goes to live with his stepfather who, now old and depressed, no longer in prison and belongs to her in body and soul.

Liliana Cavani
Liliana Cavani, Enrico Medioli
Marcello Mastroianni, Eleonora Giorgi, Tom Berenger

Language: Italian
Country: Italy
Metacritic Score:
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IMDb (242 votes)