Outlaw Ladies

Outlaw Ladies (1981)

X Adult, Drama • 1h 23m

This is a complicated story centered around the bored relationship between a socialite, Barbara, and her lawyer husband, Victor. The story exposes their friends and acquaintance for the subdued, submissive people they have become due to their careers or husbands. Barbara has learned from her friend, Evelyn (portrayed by Samantha Fox), how to find sexual outlets to regain her explorative and dominant identities. She shares this knowledge with other friends. Meanwhile, the young, naive, and submissive Felicia has spent a lifetime dominated by her mother. She becomes involved in this adulterous circle of wives, husbands, and lovers and learns the importance of taking control of her life.

Henri Pachard
Henri Pachard
Marlene Willoughby, Jolet Kodet, Jody Maxwell

Language: English
Awards: 2 wins
Country: United States
Metacritic Score:
DVD Release Date:
Box Office Total:


IMDb (131 votes)