Keiner hat das Pferd geküsst

Keiner hat das Pferd geküsst (1980)

31 Oct 1980 • Comedy • 1h 21m

A farm girl has a crush on the local horse handler and accompanies him to the big city where their favourite horse will take part in a disco's Lady Godiva act. The film cuts to and fro between the traveling threesome and the employees in the dance club. This joint's only other attraction is a fifties revival band who's members don't even know the difference between blue and red suede shoes. Apparently the horse does not have to be there until the very last moment, as they take a side trip to the funfair where the girl does her best to seduce her horse whisperer. She just won't except this guy is only interested in horses.By the time we finally get to see the main performance most people will have switched of, having grown tired of the quarrelsome band singing Elvis' songs in German. Naturally the horse act is a complete disaster. There was blood and a single gunshot, and the farm boy sneaks off to bond some more with his horsie. When the various protagonists stumble out onto the street the morning after, you feel glad your not amongst the few who actually had to sit through this at the cinema. It's a good thing writer/director Martin Muller went back to being Wim Wenders' sound man after this.1 out of 10

Martin Müller
Martin Müller
Dolly Dollar, Wolfgang Fierek, Richard Rigan

Language: German
Country: West Germany
Metacritic Score:
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IMDb (39 votes)