Las muñecas del King Kong

Las muñecas del King Kong (1981)

03 Dec 1981 • Drama • 1h 23m

At the King-Kong bar, presided by the statue of a menacing gorilla, topless dancer Lyn May is on stage for a lively rumba to the tune of "1-2-3-4 Cha-Cha-Cha" (cast credits roll). Damian is watching her from a front seat, lovingly, with his trademark white jacket and black cowboy hat.Then Alicia takes the stage singing a love song, "Un poco de amor, nada más". Sitting at a table close to the stage, her Boyfriend watches her, wearing a blue shirt, and a ring on his left earlobe (cre credits roll).Somewhere in the jungle, Carlos and Miguel are hunting a jaguar, and they separate in their search for a wounded animal. Then Carlos shoots a poisonous snake that was about to attack Miguel. Miguel is surprised that Carlos had been back just in time to save his life, and Carlos says that he came because of his shout. But Miguel had not shout... Puzzled, the men hear a moan, and sesearching for who caused it, they come across a fallen man in advanced state of gangrene in his left hand, bitten by a poisonous snake.Miguel happens to be a medicine doctor, and he decides to amputate the hand to save the man's life. The screams of a woman leads them to search for her, taking the man with them. The young woman is in shackles inside a makeshift cabin.She shows despite for the wounded man, and refuses to help Miguel to amputate the man's hand with a machete. The man faints, but when his hand is cut he reawakens for a moment, and images of a past evening at the King-Kong club, when Damian had beaten up an older man - held by two friends of him - until Lyn May pleaded with him to stop.Damian and Lyn May join the King-Kong's Manager at a table where there are already Renata, Alicia and her Boyfriend. The Manager hands out 20,000 Colombian pesos to Damian, for expenses, waiting that he will be bring him some "merchandise". Damian passes the wad of bills into Lyn May's purse.The Announcer introduces Lyn May, "the Sensual Goddess", and she reappears in her topless dance to the sound of drums. While she is on stage, Alicia's Boyfriend takes the lot of money from her purse.In the jungle, Miguel cauterizes Damian's wound by burning it. Rita tells the hunters that Damian and two companions had arrived by canoe to the small shop she kept with her Mother, by the river shore. After a drink, the men started harassing the two women as they were preparing some food. Damian had stopped the man in blue shirt from raping Rita, suggesting that they take her to their cabin for better enjoying her.Meanwhile, Rita's Mother poured boiling water at the face of the man in white shirt, blinding him. The man was desperate crying for help, and found it when his companion stabbed him to death. Damian shot the older woman twice, in the back, as she tried to run away.Damian and the other thug went into the jungle to bury the bag with the treasure, letting Rita shackled in the cabin. After burying the treasure, the man in white shirt is bitten by a snake, and while he dies, Damian laughs, saying to the other man that now he knows how he had lost his hand. Damian shoot his accomplice on the back, killing him.Rita tells her saviors that on his return, Damian raped her (flashback), while a jaguar hunts and kills a monkey in the jungle (scenes developed in parallel).Carlos tells that next day they'll take Damian to the police, sets Rita to sleep in the better corner of the cabin and goes to sleep somewhere else, while Miguel keeps guard outside.But Miguel falls asleep, Damian wakes first, and manages to escape into the jungle. Carlos picks his rifle, chases and re-captures Damian.Carlos decides to go to the nearest police station on Damian's canoe, but Rita refuses to go with them, and suggests they leave Damian shackled in the cabin as she had been.Three policemen arrive in a canoe, searching for the location they had been told Damian was to hide with his accomplices. Before the policemen enter the savanna, two are shot down and the corporal is slaughtered with a machete in a treacherous attack by a man in a red shirt. He and the man who had shot the policemen then go to the cabin, searching for Damian.Damian is relieved that his brother - the man in the red shirt - had found him, but he is not explaining what had happened to his left hand, or why he was in shackles. The Accomplice of Damian's Brother is told to dig the treasure, but when doing it with his hands, he is bitten by another poisonous snake. The man cries for help, but Damian laughs out loud at the sight of the man dying - killed by a snake.[The Italian version has a filler scene at the police station, with Hernandez, the police chief's assistant, interviews a feuding couple.]The Chief of Police happens to be a friend of Carlos, and tells him not to worry. He has sent three policemen after the fugitives already, and they know where they were going.[The Italian version includes: Carlos selling his cattle to a man for 3 million pesos; Carlos, Miguel and Rita at an outdoors restaurant with a trio of musicians, for lunch.]Miguel must return to the hospital at 2 p.m., so they separate at the river dock.Damian and his brother go to the main city, where they thank a man for having provided them with help.Carlos offers Rita to stay at his farm; she is a bit shy, but accepts for she has nowhere else to go. Rosa the Maid and Antonio the Foreman receive their boss, who presents Rita to them. Rosa is surprised when Carlos tells her Rita is going to have his bedroom.At the King-Kong bar, Damian visits Lyn May with two Bodyguards. Lyn May is surprised that he has lost a hand, but accepts his kiss, as he says, "With a part missing, but I'm still the same!" While she starts another dance, Damian and his bodyguards go to a private room with Jacobo the King-Kong Manager. Jacobo is interested in the merchandise - a monstrance, a ciborium and other church objects in gold and pearls - and they settle the price.Rita is adapting quickly to the farm life. Carlos explains with pride the pedigree of his mare Stella di Mattino that he will enter in a horses' contest in a few days.At the King-Kong, Damian offers free drinks for everybody, with the cash received from Jacobo, and the crowd and bar girls start drinking heavily. Alicia takes the stage wearing a long red dress with a slit skirt up to the waist, to sing a love song, the lyrics evocative of infidelity in a relationship (with flashbacks to Alicia smoking alone in a bedroom): "No es la primera vez / que llego y tu no estás". Renata, who had had a drink too many, tries to get the attention of Jacobo who rejects her calling her a "traitress", as Alicia's lyrics say, "I know with whom you've been unfaithful", (with flashes of Alicia's Boyfriend kissing Renata in bed, with no light on). Renata is wearing a long black skirt and a deep V-neck blue top, and she finally sits by Alicia's Boyfriend, petting him. She hands him a rolled bank note, which he swiftly puts in his trousers' pocket but under Alicia's stare from the stage, he rejects her advances. Renata is not happy with him: "Why do you do this to me? Don't I pay you?" She stands up, and slaps him. Alicia had been boiling on stage already, and now she literally jumps onto the bar girl, turning the table and the chair upside down. The two beauties roll on the floor, clawing and wrestling each other in a leg show for those who are close enough.Damian enjoys this extra program show: "Five thousand pesos to the winner!" (US$ 130 at the 1978 official exchange rate COP/USD)Alicia has already three nasty scratches on her left cheek, when Renata is straddling her and picks the neck of a broken Johnny Walker Red Label bottle, and menaces Alicia's face with it. Alicia defends her neck, but ends up being stabbed deeply to the belly. Alicia screams and faints, Renata stops the struggle and starts sobbing.The double-crossing Boyfriend takes Alicia to an adjoining bedroom, while someone calls the hospital. The emergency doctor is not available, so the nurse who takes the call asks Dr. Miguel to go to the King-Kong. Damian recognizes Miguel as "the man who chopped off my hand", pulls a dagger and attacks him. Miguel defends himself, while Damian's bodyguards attack the two male nurses. Lyn May alerts Damian to the arrival of the police, someone turns the lights out to allow Damian and his men to escape.[The Italian version misses all scenes at the King-Kong, and changes Jacobo's character for a Bald Fencer at a coffee shop in town, to buy the church treasure from Damian and his brother. Damian asks 3 million of pesos for the lot, the man bargains the price down to 2 million (from US$ 78 555 to $ 52 370 at 1978 official exchange rate). In additional scenes, Damian contracts with a man to drug Carlos' mare, as he creates a distraction for the horse keeper at the stalls. But the plan fails, because Carlos and Antonio are back to the stalls before the man can act. He escapes, and the repenting horse keeper tells Carlos that it was a man with a severed left hand who had paid him a drink... Carlos takes his mare Stella di Mattino to the dressage tournament, and wins, making him and Rita happy.]Damian with his Brother visit Albert, a farmer who's a friend of his. Damian tells him he has a grudge to settle with Carlos Gomez. Forewarned, Albert had summoned Martin to be present, a farm worker at Carlos' farm, who is ready to tell Damian what is going on at the farm.Carlos has taken Rita to a night dance outdoors with live music.Martin tells Damian that Carlos is going to sell 200 cattle heads, and Damian decides to rob them before he does.Carlos leaves the dance for a stroll in the park with Rita. Since the place is secluded and the evening hot, Rita decides to take a swim in the river, for which she strips naked, soon followed by Carlos. They return to the shore, and make love on the grass.Damian makes a proposition to a man in a bar with billiards, to sell his 200 cattle heads for 2 millon pesos, plus 500,000 for the horse. The buyer bargains it down to 2,2 millions.Carlos asks Antonio if everything is ready, and is happy that it is so. Rita is already mounting by his side as if she'd always done so.But Carlos receives a message from the chief of police, and he leaves the ranch to Antonio, warning him not to tell Rita that he went to the police so that she does not worry. At the police station, Carlos knows that the three policemen who had gone out for Damian had been found murdered, and when shown photographs os suspects, he identifies Martin among them, and of course, Damian. The chief of police suspects that Damian also murdered his two companions whose bodies had been found in the jungle.Carlos drives back to the ranch in the evening, while Martin receives Damian and Albert's men to rob the cattle and the prize winning horse.Antonio picks a rifle from the house and gets out to oppose the robbery, and Rosa stays home, asking Rita to pick a rifle too, to defend the house. Antonio and a few farm hands engage the robbers in a shoot out, and Antonio is wounded to the head.Damian and his brother force the entrance to the house, and easily dominate Rita and Rosa. Damian's brother rips off Rosa's shirt, and rapes her. Still he has time to find some sticks of dynamite, and Damian decides to blow up the house and set fire to the farm warehouses.Antonio finds Carlos on the road, and warns him of what is happening. They arrive in time to free Rosa and stop the fuse of the dynamite.Damian and his brother, stopped their jeep by the river, expecting to meet with a man in a canoe - that is not there. Carlos stops in the palm-trees plantation when he sees the fugitives' jeep, and gives chase on foot with a machete. Damian's brother tries to ambush him as he did with the policemen, but his shot misses and the revolver jams. A machete duel follows, with Rita, hand's tied behind her back, shouts for Carlos in despair, until Carlos with a swiping thrust, opens up his opponent's stomach.Damian sees his brother's falling like a tree log, throws Rita to the ground and draws his revolver, but Carlos disarms him with a punch.Both men fistfight for domination. Eventually Carlos knocks Damian back and into the river, where the fight goes on for a while. Carlos stands and walks to the river's bank, but Damian does not - the piranhas get him first (flashes of Lyn May cross his mind).Carlos unties Rita, and the couple kisses.

Juan Manuel Herrera, Alfredo B. Crevenna
Lyn May, Armando Silvestre, Diana Torres

Language: Spanish
Country: Mexico
Metacritic Score:
DVD Release Date:
Box Office Total:


IMDb (28 votes)