Cerro Cora

Cerro Cora (1978)

1h 53m

"Cerro Corá" is not a good movie, for sure, but it worths to be watched, due to its historic importance. To begin, it has been the first wholly Paraguayan-made feature-length film. Besides that, it has been produced during dire Strossner dictatorship and has been state-funded in order to be a propaganda film. Its extremely long opening credits full of names of generals and captains is a clear result of its relation with authoritarian regime. Among the many flaws of the movie are the ridiculous dialogs, terrible acting, chauvinistic narrator, bad soundtrack and the idealization of ex dictator Marshal Fancisco Solano López. Though, not only defects are present in the film. Indeed, its costumes were amazing: both the military uniforms and the tattered clothes. I would also like to mention the very nice takes of shirtless wounded, elder or juvenile soldiers in Paraguayan army. Though, the best thing are undoubtedly the war scenes, made with a very competent cinematography. In my favorite one, two different footage are overlapped, in a way that reminded me a lot Orwellian Oceania's propaganda in the movie "1984".

Guillermo Vera
Ladislao González, Guillermo Vera
Roberto De Felice, Rosa Ros, Pedro Ignacio Aceval

Language: Spanish, Guarani
Country: Paraguay
Metacritic Score:
DVD Release Date:
Box Office Total:


IMDb (27 votes)