
Tívoli (1975)

26 Jun 1975 • Comedy, Drama, Music • 2h 7m

"Tivoli" (1975) certainly had a promising idea back of it (the closing by mercenary developers and corrupt civic officials of a popular burlesque theatre that stood in the way of "progress") but the treatment is extremely poor. To succeed in this sort of movie, you need a script that makes a clear division between the good guys and the bad guys. Instead, what the script is actually saying is that the show-people themselves are so sleazy and self-centered that if positions were reversed, the outcome would be exactly the same. To make matters worse, the camera often lingers for an unconscionable time on some of the hammiest and least interesting (and in three or four cases, indelibly repulsive) players. Determinedly flat-footed, totally pedestrian direction doesn't help either. The movie seems to go on forever. The editor is obviously fast asleep.

Alberto Isaac
Alfonso Arau, Alberto Isaac
Alfonso Arau, Pancho Córdova, Lyn May

Language: Spanish
Country: Mexico
Metacritic Score:
DVD Release Date:
Box Office Total:


IMDb (145 votes)