Unman, Wittering and Zigo

Unman, Wittering and Zigo (1971)

GP 23 Sep 1971 • Drama, Thriller • 1h 42m

Fed up with the frantic world of advertising, the former advertising executive, John Ebony, takes up a position as a teacher at Chantry, a public boarding school for boys. Eager to fill in for his unfortunate predecessor, and educate the next generation of pupils, instead, the unsuspecting first-time instructor is shocked to discover that his efforts to exercise authority have the exact opposite effect of what was intended. Then, the seemingly respectful but devilishly manipulative teenagers of Class Lower 5B drop a bombshell, and Ebony starts fearing for his life. Now, having to deal with a pompous headmaster and a disbelieving wife, it is evident that the unruly students have the upper hand. What happens if John fails to co-operate?

John Mackenzie
Simon Raven, Giles Cooper
David Hemmings, Carolyn Seymour, Douglas Wilmer

Language: English
Country: United Kingdom
Metacritic Score:
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