El cambio

El cambio (1971)

Drama • 1h 26m

Another Mexicon movie on the 9th Shanghai International Film Festival. It's not the one I wanna see, but still something amazing. To be honest, this is not such a good movie that will give you a shock. It shows something similar with Latin literature works. The story just flows quietly and there's nothing prodigious just like the two young men. They stand in the time but count for little. Nobody pays attention to them. The story shows some problem, but doesn't try to solve any. But I think this is the point. This is the way Latin artists deal with such subjects no matter in novels or in movies. Well at least the beginning of the movie is interesting. There's about 10 minutes without any words. Only full of noise. If the director can tell the whole story without any speaking parts the movie will be a master piece I think.

Luis Carrion, Alfredo Joskowicz, Leobardo López Aretche
Héctor Bonilla, Sergio Jiménez, Ofelia Medina

Language: Spanish
Awards: 8 nominations
Country: Mexico
Metacritic Score:
DVD Release Date:
Box Office Total:


IMDb (44 votes)