We Shall Return

We Shall Return (1963)

15 Feb 1963 • Drama

I had a relative in this movie, thus, I saw it, along with 9 other unfortunates, before it disappeared--we thought--forever. I am now the only person on the planet, I believe, to have ever seen it twice. Hilariously melodramatic, disjointed, awkward, stilted. The camera shots, the interminable pauses in wretched dialogue, the absurd or illogical plot premises and actions, and the glaring errors made it cause for celebration when "Simply Weird Video"--for reasons unknown--decided to issue it on VHS. (We revel in truly horrid wastes of film!) I couldn't remember the name for years, so we dubbed it "Big Wind from Havana." After seeing it again, I think my title was far more appropriate than theirs: this cheapo was blown away and those connected with it, by and large, never returned.

Pat Frank, Mel Arrighi, Nick Lothar
Cesar Romero, Anthony Ray, Miguel O'Brien

Language: English
Country: United States
Metacritic Score:
DVD Release Date:
Box Office Total:


IMDb (8 votes)