The Day It Rained

The Day It Rained (1959)

03 Jun 1960 • Crime, Drama • 1h 28m

I saw the English language version. Some of the dialog seemed a bit stilted from the translation. Motorcycle driving beatnik gang with Elke Sommer along for the ride. By day these kids have real jobs; by night they hang out in a bar and plan their crimes. A mohair sweater wearing leader named Walter leads them along like sheep. These are post-Hitler German youth who want it all NOW. On a side note, the jukebox in the bar plays some very familiar "oldies" like Charlie Brown and an Elvis tune, all sung in German.

Gerd Oswald
Heinz Oskar Wuttig, Gerd Oswald, Will Berthold
Mario Adorf, Christian Wolff, Gert Fröbe

Language: German
Country: West Germany
Metacritic Score:
DVD Release Date:
Box Office Total:


IMDb (87 votes)