Sebastian Kneipp

Sebastian Kneipp (1958)

27 Nov 1958 • Biography • 1h 57m

I have seen this movie a couple of times now and I must say it is absolutely worth watching, especially on a cold winters day.Sebastian Kneipp, who we would call a hydrotherapist today, reinvented the healing powers of water, but was not accepted by physicians of that time until he helped and later became friends with many European royals and not to forget cured Pope Leo XIII from insomnia. He became famous all over the World an his books were translated into many languages. I myself posses some of them.The title character is perfectly portrait by Bavarian actor Carl Wery. The actor also resembles the real Kneipp a great deal. His harsh character is the source of many conflicts throughout the movie and makes every scene twice as interesting.A very memorable scene is, when the Austrian Archduke refuses to carry out Kneipp's instruction and Kneipp coldly tells him: "Then you will die." Or where he saved a woman, normal doctors have already given up.I give this piece of film 7 out of 10, and recommend it to everybody, who is able to speak German, because I don't think it is available in English.

Erna Fentsch
Carl Wery, Paul Hörbiger, Gerlinde Locker

Language: German
Country: Austria
Metacritic Score:
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IMDb (65 votes)