The Machine to Kill Bad People

The Machine to Kill Bad People (1952)

14 May 1952 • Comedy, Fantasy • 1h 20m

A demon bestows on a self-righteous working photographer's camera the power to smite from the Earth "evil-doers". Naturally, the indignant photographer turns his new weapon on, one by one, his entire village, beginning with the wealthy or illustrious. Soon, the poor he is so supposedly so enamored of become his victims too, so rife with impatience and contempt is he, that the slightest flaw is cause for smiting. Inevitably, he embarks on a task to destroy everyone.

Sergio Amidei, Giancarlo Vigorelli, Franco Brusati
Gennaro Pisano, Marilyn Buferd, William Tubbs

Language: Italian, English
Country: Italy
Metacritic Score:
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IMDb (835 votes)