Jungle Flight

Jungle Flight (1947)

Approved 22 Aug 1947 • Adventure • 1h 7m

Kelly Jordan (Robert Lowery) and Andy Melton (Robert Kent) are former AAF fliers operating a cargo service over the South American mountain ranges in order to get enough money to return to Texas and buy a commercial line. Andy is killed when his overloaded plane crashes and explodes. Kelly meets Laurey Roberts (Ann Savage), who gets him to take her to the mining-camp operation as a cook, as she is running away from her ex-husband, Tom Hammond (Douglas Fowley), who has just been released from prison. Hammond catches up with Laurey, but he is killed in a gun fight, and Kelly and Laurie leave looking for a peaceful life in Texas.

Sam Newfield
David Lang, Whitman Chambers
Robert Lowery, Ann Savage, Barton MacLane

Language: English
Country: United States
Metacritic Score:
DVD Release Date:
Box Office Total:


IMDb (52 votes)