Som folk är mest

Som folk är mest (1944)

09 Sep 1944 • Comedy, Romance • 1h 27m

Kurre and Inga are engaged to be married. However, as they are very poor, they can't afford it just yet. They live separate, both in small apartments with a friend. Inga works at an office and Kurre at a small factory. Inga has a liability to be late in the mornings and this gets her into some trouble at the office, because of her very strict boss. This, along with the fact that another girl starts to court Kurre puts their relationship to the test, a crisis which is easier said than done to solve.

Hasse Ekman
Herbert Grevenius, Hasse Ekman
John Botvid, Terje Valenkamph, Stig Järrel

Language: Swedish
Country: Sweden
Metacritic Score:
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Box Office Total:


IMDb (90 votes)