Viva Cisco Kid

Viva Cisco Kid (1940)

Approved 12 Apr 1940 • Action, Romance, Western • 1h 5m

The Cisco Kid tells his pal Gordito that "From now on, Amigo, I am through with women" and then a few minutes later, after rescuing Joan Allen from an attempted stage holdup, tells her "...but you, senorita, you are different!" and therein lies the short summary of all of the films in the 20th Century-Fox Cisco Kid series. The padded plot, so exhibitors could tell the entries apart, finds Towash, Texas saloon owner Hank Gunther plotting with Jesse Allen, Joan's father, to rob the money missed on the aborted stage holdup from the express company safe rather than report empty-handed to the "Boss". Allen robs the express office, but is seen by Moses, an old hermit, who tells the boys in the saloon that he doesn't know the robber's name but recognized him as the man he had seen that day with Joan. The latter has convinced her father to return the money and they will go to Arizona. Cisco, also seen that day with Joan, gets blamed for the robbery as Gunther has killed ol' Mose who is no longer around to identify Cisco as not being the robber, and Joan is not willing to implicate her father. It is beginning to look like Cisco is indeed through with women, albeit on an involuntary basis.

Norman Foster
Samuel G. Engel, Hal Long, O. Henry
Cesar Romero, Jean Rogers, Chris-Pin Martin

Language: English
Country: United States
Metacritic Score:
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