The Scoffer

The Scoffer (1920)

01 Sep 1920 • Drama

God-fearing Dr. Stannard Wayne marries Alice Porn, the former mistress of his friend, the unethical Dr. Arthur Richards. When Richards performs an illegal abortion, he makes it look like Wayne is guilty, and the latter is sent to prison for five years. Wayne emerges a changed man, a scoffer. By coincidence, he retreats to a village in the Northwest where Richards has gone with Alice. A kindly woman of the town, Margaret Haddon, urges Wayne to help a boy crippled by a beating given to him by his father, but Wayne refuses. Finally with Margaret's influence, Wayne performs the surgery, but during the operation an angry mob led by Richards descends upon the house. Wayne calls upon heaven for help and, by a miracle, the boy's life is saved and Wayne is moved, his faith is deeply restored.

Allan Dwan
Lillian Ducey, Carl Krusada
Mary Thurman, James Kirkwood, Philo McCullough

Language: None, English
Country: United States
Metacritic Score:
DVD Release Date:
Box Office Total:
