The Furnace

The Furnace (1920)

01 Nov 1920 • Drama • 1h 10m

Folly Vallance weds millionaire Anthony Bond solely out of love for his money. When he realizes this, Bond insists upon a marriage in name only. Folly, out of exasperation, plunges into the social whirl where Bond's close friend, Keene Mordaunt, befriends her. When Count Svensen attempts to blackmail Folly into running away with him, Keene pursues them to a country house where they meet Anthony, who accuses his friend of treachery. Folly finally recognizes her love for her husband and explains the cause of her actions; Bond forgives her and the two are reconciled.

Leslie Beresford, Julia Crawford Ivers
Agnes Ayres, Jerome Patrick, Theodore Roberts

Language: None, English
Country: United States
Metacritic Score:
DVD Release Date:
Box Office Total:
