A Gay Old Dog

A Gay Old Dog (1919)

02 Nov 1919 • Drama

Hard working Jimmy Dodd, the main support for his widowed mother and three unwed, bickering sisters, promises his mother on her death bed that he will not marry before his sisters. When Jimmy and his fiancée Emily Harrison fail to find husbands for the sisters, Jimmy lets Emily go and she marries another. After many years of complaints, two of the sisters marry and the third goes to work at a settlement house. Because of the war, Jimmy's leather business becomes very profitable. When he is courting flashy young women, his sisters condemn him for being a "gay old dog," but Jimmy realizes that his romantic efforts are pitiful and unfulfilling. He is deeply moved when he sees Emily's boy going off to war in a parade. When his sisters reproach him again, he tells them to leave and not return, blaming them for the loss of Emily and the child that might have been his.

Hobart Henley
Mrs. Sidney Drew, Edna Ferber
John Cumberland, Marie Chambers, Emily Lorraine

Language: None, English
Country: United States
Metacritic Score:
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Box Office Total:


IMDb (20 votes)