Naked Hearts

Naked Hearts (1916)

10 May 1916 • Drama • 0h 50m

Two families had lived neighbors in the South for years. Maud, her brother Howard, and Cecil Lane were playmates. One day as they were playing on the lawn the fathers of Maud and Cecil betrothed their children in a bumper of wine. Shortly thereafter Cecil's father loses his fortune through poor speculation and committed suicide. Maud is sent away to school. Cecil begins a musical education, remaining at home and growing up to be the village music teacher. In after years Maud comes home, and soon her brother Howard arrived with a foppish friend, Lord Lovelace, who straightway lay siege to Maud's heart. At the village shrine Maud and Cecil have met and their childish love is renewed. Against her will Maud consents to a betrothal with Lord Lovelace. On the night of the betrothal party Maud and Cecil plan to elope, but their arrangements are discovered and thwarted, a duel between Cecil and Howard developing with in the hour. Maud hears the shots fired, and beholding her brother slightly wounded sends Cecil, in anger, away. He leaves the village under the impression that Howard will die. Cecil goes far away, and in a great city his musical talents are recognized. Maud, meanwhile, in contrition, would have Cecil return to her, but he keeps his mother poorly informed and Maud is unable to get word to him. When Cecil composes the song, "Come Into the Garden Maud," his fame is assured. At this time war breaks out and Cecil, Lord Lovelace and Howard become soldiers, eventually meeting on the battlefield. Lord Lovelace knows of Cecil's song and his great fame as its composer, and at the moment he is about to die of his wounds, Lord Lovelace sends word to Cecil, that Maud is waiting for Cecil in the garden. Believing that Cecil has been killed in battle at the same time her brother Howard and Lord Lovelace die of their wounds, Maud decides to dedicate her life to religion and enters a convent. When Cecil ultimately comes home he is too late to reach Maud with any communication. He spends the rest of his life in sorrow going every day to the convent walls and playing his famous song that Maud may hear and know that he thus awaits the final end, faithful to his childhood's sweetheart.

Rupert Julian
Alfred Lord Tennyson, Rupert Julian, Olga Printzlau
Francelia Billington, Rupert Julian, Zoe Rae

Language: None, English
Country: United States
Metacritic Score:
DVD Release Date:
Box Office Total:
