Judith of the Cumberlands

Judith of the Cumberlands (1916)

31 Jul 1916 • Drama

The story treats of an ancient mountain feud in which Creed Bonbright, who lost his father in a fight with a rival clan, tries to educate the sturdy mountain men to respect the law instead of disregarding it. He is loved by Judith Barrier, the niece of Uncle Jepp Turrentine, the leader of a rival clan. Judith is also loved by Blatchley Turrentine, a distant cousin, who runs an illicit whiskey still in a cave on Uncle Jepp's property. He hates Creed and swears vengeance upon him. Andy and Jeff, sons of Uncle Jepp's, are engaged with Blatch in making moonshine whiskey. Creed is elected Justice of the Peace and the day of the election Andy and Jeff are arrested by the Marshall for having contraband whiskey. Creed endeavors to have them freed at the request of Judith. He is unsuccessful, Blatch hearing of the arrest summons the members of the clan who attack the jail and escape with the prisoner to the mountains. On their return Judith gives a party to which Creed is invited. Blatch and Creed quarrel, and while the party is in progress the Sheriff's posse comes for the prisoners. They escape and Blatch and his friends suspect Creed. The gang waylays Creed. In a struggle between Creed and Blatch he is thrown over a cliff but is uninjured. He plans to create the impression that he has been killed, and aided by his friends a charge of murder is brought against Creed, who is arrested. Creed pleads self-defense, but the mob in the town incited by Blatch's friends plan to lynch him. In the meantime Blatch who has been hiding in the cave where the still was situated crawls out at night to call on Judith. He proposes to her and she agrees to marry him if he will ride into town with her then. When they arrive in the town she snatches his gun and forces him to show himself to the crowd who are about to hang Creed. Creed is freed. Judith drives away with Blatch after persuading him to postpone the wedding. Blatch bent upon revenge plans to kill Creed. Judith overhears the plot and goes to warn him. As he approaches the rendezvous of the gang, Judith shoots his horse from under him. The shot arouses the gang and Blatch, stepping out on a ridge, is mistaken for Creed and shot by one of his friends. With Blatch out of the way peace is established and Creed and Judith are married.

J.P. McGowan
Alice MacGowan
Helen Holmes, Leo D. Maloney, Paul Hurst

Language: None, English
Country: United States
Metacritic Score:
DVD Release Date:
Box Office Total:
