Black Friday

Black Friday (1916)

18 Sep 1916 • Drama, History • 0h 50m

Elinor Rossitor, poor but refined, marries Richard Strong, a power in finance. While he is to be gone on his honeymoon, his enemies plot his ruin. They intend giving out false reports as to his dealings with his companies; they are also endeavoring to corner the gold market, and even to carry the plan so far as to bribe some of the Washington officials and to send a fake telegram to President Grant to get him out of Washington so that he cannot order the sale of gold. One of Strong's clerks overhears part of the plan, and just as Strong is leaving on his honeymoon, manages to give him a tip as to what is going on, but Strong does not attach much importance to it. But telegrams, later, make it necessary for him to return, and this causes a breach between him and Elinor. Arriving home before his enemies suspect his presence, he takes measures to defeat their plans. Charles Dalton, a friend, aids him, and Strong gives him employment in his office. Dalton becomes friendly with Elinor. When Strong learns of this, he accuses them both of wrongdoing. Elinor refuses to see Dalton, and so he yields to the charms of his wife, Zoldene, who left him soon after their marriage, when she discovered he had no money. Elinor and her father go to Paris, as the old man is failing rapidly. Strong and President Grant have an interview, and the President wires the Treasury to sell gold, thereby breaking up the clique, and Strong makes millions. Rossitor becomes worse in Paris, and in trying to return with him, they are in great danger from the rioting. It is the time of the revolution. Rossiter sends for Strong, but when he arrives, he can find no trace of either. Then, one night, as he is watching a mob, he finds that it is Elinor who is the center of the disturbance, and in trying to rescue her, he is injured. When he regains consciousness in his hotel, she is gone. Dalton and Zoldene are also in Paris, dying, and Dalton sends for Strong, and again tells him the truth about himself and Elinor. This time Strong believes him, but thinks that Elinor no longer loves him. He returns to New York, and thinking to take a last look at the house which was the scene of his loveless marriage, he meets Elinor, who is on the same mission. She tells him that she still loves him and they are reconciled.

E. Magnus Ingleton, Frederic S. Isham
Richard Morris, Dorothy Davenport, Wilfred Rogers

Language: None, English
Country: United States
Metacritic Score:
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Box Office Total:
