
Classmates (1914)

14 Feb 1914 • Short, Drama • 0h 40m

Bert Stafford is in love with his mother's ward, Sylvia Randolph. She does not reciprocate his feelings as she is in love with Duncan Irving, son of Old Irving, the store-keeper of Pine Level, South Carolina. Although Mrs. Stafford has a daughter, Phyllis, Bert is her favorite child and she has spoiled him by her indulgence of his every whim. Duncan Irving, on the contrary, is a manly chap but unfortunately his father is a habitual drunkard. On account of Sylvia's preference for Duncan, Bert is jealous and tries to pick a quarrel with him, which results in Duncan being ordered from the grounds by Mrs. Stafford. Duncan passes his entrance examinations for West Point and before leaving home tells Sylvia of his ambitions. His father resolves to stop drinking which he realizes might disgrace his son. Two years later Duncan writes his father of his promotion at West Point and the old man shows the letter to Sylvia. When Mrs. Stafford hears of Duncan's success, she decides to send Bert to West Point. A year later the cadets are shown preparing for their annual dance, to which Mrs. Stafford, Sylvia and Phyllis are invited by Captain Lane. Duncan is now a first class man while Bert is a plebe. Bert naturally resents being compelled to take orders from Duncan or Duncan's friend Dumble. Dumble falls in love with Phyllis but she does not give him much encouragement. Duncan's father also goes to West Point but does not attend the dance, fearing his clothes might embarrass Duncan. Bert asks Sylvia to marry him but she puts him off. Bert becomes furious when he sees her talking with Duncan and resolves to get Old Irving drunk in order to humiliate Duncan. When Bert takes Old Irving to his tent he is seen by Duncan's friend, Dumble, who reports the matter to Duncan. As Sylvia has previously asked Duncan not to be hard on Bert, he resolves to respect her wishes and keeps from her the knowledge of Bert's cowardly act. Duncan finds his father in a drunken condition and Bert gloats over Duncan's humiliation and insults him. Duncan demands an apology and when Bert refuses to retract his accusation, Duncan knocks him down. When Bert is picked up he is blind and Duncan and his friends, Dumble, Clay and Lindsay, are put under arrest. Duncan and his chums are court martialed and suspended, despite the fact that Duncan declares he alone is to blame. The Staffords move to New York and although Bert recovers his eyesight, he is declared ineligible for further military service. He again proposes to Sylvia and this time she consents to become his wife. They quarrel as to when the wedding shall take place and Bert accepts an offer from an engineering concern to go to South America. Duncan goes to Washington hoping to induce the President to lift the suspension of his friends. Their reinstatement is made subject to Mrs. Stafford's signing the petition which she refuses to do. Nothing is heard of Bert and Mrs. Stafford is led to believe that he has died of fever many miles up the Amazon. When Duncan and his friends are informed of this they offer to lead an expedition in search of Bert. Mrs. Stafford agrees to sign the petition on condition that they bring her son back with them. Phyllis agrees to marry Dumble and have Duncan act as best man if he finds Bert. Duncan wishes to save Bert in order to win back Sylvia's respect. She gives him a message for Bert which discloses to Duncan her engagement to Bert, but he refuses to give up hope as he believes she is still in love with him, despite the engagement. The relief party arrives in South America and are soon in the heart of the jungle. As their supplies are running short, Lindsay volunteers to return for a fresh supply. During his absence, Duncan finds Bert, who is in a half-crazed condition, and delivers Sylvia's message to him. Bert curses Duncan for his failure to arrive sooner. Lindsay tries to locate his friends by calling them but is unsuccessful. Duncan gives up all hope of being rescued. He climbs a tree in a final effort to let Lindsay locate him and while there receives a message that Lindsay is on his way to rescue them. Duncan urges Bert to keep up his courage. Lindsay arrives and succeeds in rescuing the party, who are now on the verge of collapse. The scene shifts back to New York again where Bert is just recovering from the effects of his trip and although Sylvia nurses him she does not show any affection toward him. Dumble, Clay and Lindsay receive commissions as lieutenants. Dumble cannot understand why Duncan has not received a commission. Preparations are made for the wedding of Dumble and Phyllis. Bert goes away on business and cannot understand Sylvia's change of heart. Sylvia reminds Mrs. Stafford of her promise to Duncan and secures his commission for him but does not want Duncan to know of her part in the matter. When Bert returns he finds Clay and Lindsay thanking Sylvia for securing Duncan's commission for him. He tries to get Sylvia to make up with him but she evades him, having realized that it is Duncan whom she really loves. Bert informs Duncan that Sylvia has secured his commission so that she will be under no further obligation to him. Duncan refuses to accept the commission and tells Bert of his love for Sylvia and Sylvia overhears this. Duncan insists that Bert shall tell the truth in reference to getting his father intoxicated and as Bert is about to strike Duncan, Sylvia appears and sides with Duncan. Bert pleads with her in vain. Following the wedding of Dumble and Phyllis comes the engagement of Duncan and Sylvia, thus showing that virtue will always triumph in the end.

James Kirkwood
Margaret Turnbull, William C. de Mille
Blanche Sweet, Henry B. Walthall, Marshall Neilan

Language: None, English
Country: United States
Metacritic Score:
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IMDb (38 votes)